To select a museum, click “Details/Reserve”, then select which Pass to reserve.
Massachusetts State Parks (Department of Conservation and Recreation)
251 Causeway Street, Suite 900, Boston, MA 02114-2104
The Massachusetts State Parks have locations in all regions of the Commonwealth, from Pittsfield to Boston, and from Gloucester to Provincetown. They include beaches, wooded parks, parkways, and reservoirs, each with its own unique activities and amenities like hiking, biking, swimming and boating, camping, and more.
Categories: Children, Family, Nature, Recreation
Pass Type: Circulating Pass (must be picked up and returned to the branch)
Pass Benefits
Each pass is valid for free admission for one (1) vehicle per day to over 50 day use facilities that charge a parking fee. Library Pass must be returned the evening of use, or before 5 pm the next day. Library Pass may be returned in the book drop.
List of parks can be found on the Mass State Parks website: